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Tel.:+49 391 6117118
Prof. Dr. Michael Friebe
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Medizinische Fakultät
Innovation Laboratory for Image Guided Therapy
Prof. Michael Friebe is a German citizen with expertise in diagnostic imaging + image guided therapies, as founder/innovator/CEO/investor, and scientist. After a BSc. in electrical engineering he spend 5 years in San Francisco as R&D Engineer at a MRI + Ultrasound device manufacturer. He graduated with a MSc. in Technology Management from Golden Gate University, San Francisco and back in Germany obtained his PhD in Medical Engineering. He currently is an affiliate Professor at TUM, Munich; Professor at IHBI QUT in Brisbane; and professor of HealthTec Innovation at the medical faculty Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany. He is a listed inventor of over 100 patents, author of >300 papers, board member of four medical technology startup companies, and an investment partner of a MedTec investment-fund. From 2016-2018 he was a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE EMBS and very enthusiastic about innovation generation + entrepreneurship.Neuigkeiten Profil Service
- Internationale Präsentation der Forschungsergebnisse der Medizintechnik - INKA und Partner stellen mit auf der größten Radiologie Show der Welt aus
- INKA Team mit Forschungspreis für neuen Ansatz zur Temperaturüberwachung von Therapien mittels Ultraschall - 75.000 USD von GE Healthcare aus den USA
- Hugo-Junkers-Preis 2018: Der 2. Preis in der Kategorie: "Innovativste Vorhaben der Grundlagenforschung" geht an den Lehrstuhl INKA - Intelligente Katheter der Universität Magdeburg
- Dipl.-Ing. Nachrichtentechnik, Stuttgart; Master of Science - Management, San Francisco; Dr. rer. medic. Medizinphysik, Witten
- 5 years in San Francisco (UCSF / UC RIL / TOSHIBA MRI) as MRI R&D and Project Engineer / Product Manager
- 1993 - founded NEUROMED AG, the largest independent radiology / Imaging services provider in Central Europe
- Started 15 more companies in Germany and other neighboring countries – all involved with Medical Imaging technologies
- 2001 trade sale of NEUROMED AG to UMS AG
- Started TOMOVATION GmbH in 2003, investment / development and trading company in Medical Imaging (TOMOgraphy + InnoVATION). 2008 sale of the company to ALLIANCE Medical, Inc., Warwick UK - Michael left Alliance in 2011 as Managing Director Central Europe
- Former board member of US publicly traded companies (INTRAOPMEDICAL, Inc.; BIOPHAN, Inc.; Mobile PET Systems, Inc.)
- Currently Vice-Chairman of SURGICEYE GmbH (http://www.surgiceye.com), advisory board member of PIUR IMAGING and MEDINEERING
- Germany's Business Angel of the year 2011
- Non-operational Venture Partner of FRIIH Investment Holding GmbH and FVW Investments for Health GmbH&Co KG, currently invested in 11 medical technology start-up companies in Germany (Munich, Berlin, Cologne, Bochum)
- Rudolf-Diesel-Industry-Fellow of the Institute for advanced Studies TU München and affiliated Professor at TUM-CAMP
- Honorary Professor of Biomedical Engineering at MISR University (http://www.must.edu.eg), Cairo (6th of October City), Egypt
- Professor at the IHBI of QUT, Brisbane, Australia
- >100 national and international patent applications as lead inventor
- IEEE EMBC Distinguished Lecturer 2016-2018
- IEEE ACCESS Associate Editor, Biomedical Engineering
- Diagnostic Imaging Systems - particularly MRI and Ultrasound
- Development of electro-mechanical systems and tools for minimal invasive imageguided therapies with US, XR, MRI, NUK (e.g. biopsy devices, injection and ablationsystems)
- Combination (hybridization) of different diagnostic modalities to optimize therapies - e.g. minimal invasive work environment
- Catheters and devices for the therapy procedures under image guidance -e.g.intraoperative radiation therapy / cryo ablation, intelligent monitoring and staging,tracking and navigation systems
- Intelligent catheters, implants, and tools for Neurosurgical, Vascular, Oncology, and Orthopaedic applications
- Robotics in combination with imaging and therapy
- Translational concepts and Innovation Generation for Image Guided Therapies
- Patent and IP Strategies
- Public Lecturer on Innovation Generation for MedTec applications
- Public Lecturer on Exponential Technologies and their impact on healthcare development (3D Print, mHealth, Machine Learning, Big Data, Imaging, Synthetic Biology, Gene and Stem Cell Therapy, Minimal Invasive Therapies)
- Innovation for MedTec and Therapy products together with Clinicians
- Development of Minimal Viable Products to show feasibility
- Market information and regulatory approvals for CE, FDA, CFDA
- Future Medical Technology Development Strategies
- Service and Business Concepts
- IP Strategy
- Exponential Organization Ambassador, Coach, Trainer
- Scaling-Up Expert
- Serial Entrepreneur and Start-Up Geek
- Development of Minimal Viable Products to show feasibility
- Market information and regulatory approvals for CE, FDA, CFDA
- Future Medical Technology Development Strategies
- Service and Business Concepts
- IP Strategy
- Exponential Organization Ambassador, Coach, Trainer
- Scaling-Up Expert
- Serial Entrepreneur and Start-Up Geek
Forschergruppen Projekte Schutzrechte Kooperationen
Die Daten werden geladen ...
- Cryovibration catheter / Cryo-Thermal-Ultrasonic Vibration Catheter
- Steerable Guide wire for vascular interventions
- Ablation Catheter for extraction of tumors
- Ablation Catheter, Tumor extractor
- in Vivo lmplant Diagnostic Device
- Marker für medizinische Instrumente
- Punktionskatheter für die Eröffnung eines Ausgangs aus Blutgefässen
- Resektoskop mit Drehmechanik
- Clip zur Behandlung von Aneurysmen und zum Verschluss röhrenförmiger anatomischer Strukturen
- Nadelstrumpf mit Trägersystem
- IDTM: easyJector
- IDTM: MagRemon
- Capical GmbH
- Brainlab - Intra cranial tracking
- Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen- und Medizintechnik AG, Berlin - Seed Imaging
- VISUS Technology Transfer GmbH, Bochum - Pipe Imaging
- medineering GmbH, Seefeld
- PIUR Imaging GmbH, Düsseldorf - Sensor Tracking
- Olympus: RFA, Resectoscope, Endoscopy
- IDTM: MagRemon, easyJector
- GBN Systems GmbH
- GE, Ultraschall, Wisconsin, USA
- HNO Klinik, OvGU, Prof. Christoph Arens
- Universitätsklinik Jena, Nuklearmedizin, PD Martin Freesmeyer
- Jun.-Prof. Christian Hansen, OvGU
- Isotopen Technologie München - ITM AG
- Heppe Medical Chitosan GmbH, Halle
- Max Planck Gesellschaft, Leipzig -- EMMOTRAC
- SPINLAB GmbH, Leipzig
- MICROVISTA GmbH, Blankenburg
- COVIDIEN, Halberstadt
- NETCO GmbH, Blankenburg
- EMATIK GmbH, Magdeburg
- PRIMED GmbH, Halberstadt
- Innovative Tomography Products, ITP, Bochum
- Surgiceye GmbH, München
- Prof. Dr. Martin Skalej
- Queensland Technical University, Brisbane, Australia - Prof. Dietmar Hutmacher
- Klinikum Osnabrück - Radiologie - Prof. Bernd Tombach
- KAIST - Quantum Beam Engineering Lab - Prof. Sung Oh Cho
- Universitätsklinikum Giessen Marburg - Radiologie - Prof. Gabriele Krombach
- TU München - CAMP - Prof. Nassir Navab
- Siemens Healthineers, Innovation Think Tank, Prof. Haider
- ExoExecute, Canada, Ken Merkel
- ONCOBETA, Herr Vetter, München
- AGH University Krakov, Biomedical Engineering
- Intuitive Surgical
- Universitätsklinik für Allgemein-, Viszeral-, Gefäß- und Transplantationschirurgie (KCHI), Prof. Dr. med. Croner
- OVGU Magdeburg, Universitätsklinik für Dermatologie und Venerologie (KHAU), Prof. Dr. med. Harald Gollnick, Emeritus
- OVGU Magdeburg, Fakultät für Informatik, Prof. Ortmeier
- Universitätsklinikum Magdeburg, Institut für Pathologie
- Crystal Photonics GmbH
- OVGU Magdeburg, Haus 60a Haus 60a 1 / 5 Prev Next Universitätsklinik für Allgemein-, Viszeral-, Gefäß- und Transplantationschirurgie (KCHI), Prof. Croner
- OVGU Magdeburg, Universitätsklinik für Strahlentherapie
- OVGU Magdeburg, Universitätsklinik für Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde, Kopf- und Halschirurgie (KHNO)
- digomed: medical IT solutions GmbH
- BLOXTON Investment Group
- VISUS Industry IT GmbH
- OVGU Magdeburg, Universitätsklinik für Kardiologie, Angiologie und Pneumologie (KKAR)
- OVGU Magdeburg, Universitätsklinik für Herz- und Thoraxchirurgie (KCHH)
- Piur Imaging GmbH, Austria
- Visus GmbH Bochum
- Brainlab AG München
- GBN Systems GmbH Buch
- OVGU Radiologie, Prof. Fischbach, Prof. Pech
- TU München, Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Prof. Hubertus Feussner
- Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, Prof. Emad Boctor
- Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA, Prof. Robert Webster
- ITP GmbH, Bochum, Dr. Heinz-Werner Henke
- ACMIT Wiener Neustadt
- MOXTEK Inc., Salt Lake City, USA
- ENDOSMART GmbH, Stutensee
- Prof. Dr. Martin Schostack, OVGU Urologie
- Prof. Dr. Harald Gollnick, OVGU dermatologie, Emeritus
- Onkodermatologie, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Giessen, PD Dr. Daniela Göppner
- VISUS GmbH, Bochum
- MR:comp GmbH, Gelsenkirchen
- Queensland University of Technology, QUT, Brisbane, AUS, Prof. Dietmar Hutmacher
- SPINPLANT GmbH, Leipzig
- isys Medizintechnik GmbH, Kitzbühel
- Olympus, Hamburg
- Brainlab AG, München
- Städtisches Klinikum Magdeburg
- Orthopädische Universitätsklinik, Magdeburg
- Brainlab AG
- Fraunhofer ISST
- Universitätsklinikum Essen, Kardiologie