Innovationsportal Sachsen-Anhalt

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Transnational SOLAR-ERA.NET Calls PV3 and CSP3

Fördergeber - Sonstige
The general scope of the SOLAR-ERA.NET transnational calls are to: i) seek new and
complementary RTD and innovation projects in the field of solar electricity technologies; ii) to
strengthen the international collaboration in the field of solar power RTD and innovation, improving
the effectiveness and efficiency of regional and national programmes; and iii) to contribute both to
European industry competitiveness and to its innovation capability
The following topics are within scope of the third transnational call:
SOLAR-ERA.NET transnational call PV3:
PV3.1 Innovative processes for inorganic thin-film cells & modules
PV3.2 Dedicated modules for BIPV design and manufacturing
PV3.3 Grid integration and large-scale deployment of PV
PV3.4 High-efficiency PV modules based on next generation c-Si solar cells
PV3.5 Solar glass and encapsulation materials
PV3.6 Concentrator PV technology
PV3.7 Si feedstock, crystallization and wafering
PV3.8 Organic solar cells, perovskites and other emerging concepts
SOLAR-ERA.NET transnational call CSP3:
CSP3.1 Cost reduction and efficiency increase in components
CSP3.2 Dispatchability through storage and hybridisation
CSP3.3 New heat transfer media for CSP plants
CSP3.4 Innovative thermodynamic cycles

Projektträger Jülich (PtJ) - Geschäftsbereich EEN
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52425 Jülich
Hermann Bastek, e-mail: h.bastek (at), tel: +49 2461 61 4849
Martina Biedrawa, e-mail: m.biedrawa (at), tel: +49 2461 61 9056

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