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Pre-announcement transnational research projects, ERA-Net on Personalised Medicine (ERA PerMed)

bis 26.04.2019
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Das ERA-Net on Personalised Medicine (ERA PerMed) wird voraussichtlich im Januar 2019 eine Förderbekanntmachung für transnationale Forschungsprojekte im Bereich der personalisierten Medizin veröffentlichen.
Gefördert werden ausschließlich transnationale Projekte. An jedem Antrag dürfen sich maximal sechs Partner beteiligen, die aus mindestens drei verschiedenen, am Aufruf teilnehmenden Ländern kommen.
Das Antragsverfahren ist zweistufig angelegt. Die Einreichfrist der ersten Stufe wird voraussichtlich im März 2019 enden.
With its second transnational call, ERA PerMed will foster research and innovation activities building close linkages between basic biomedical research, clinical research, bioinformatics, epidemiology, socio-economic research, as well as research on the integration of PM into clinical practice and on ethical, legal and social implications. The overarching goal is to improve disease management, with better patient stratification, diagnostics and treatment protocols, and disease prevention. Proposals submitted under this call are expected to demonstrate the applicability of project outcomes into clinical practice as well as to describe the impact on the health care systems. Proposals are expected to include research on ethical, legal and socio-economic implications, including health economics and regulation, and/or research on optimisation of health care systems. The overall objectives of the ERA PerMed call are (i) to support translational research projects in the field of Personalised Medicine; (ii) to encourage and enable interdisciplinary collaborations towards implementation of PM, in combining pre-clinical and/or clinical research with computational components and research on relevant ethical, legal and social aspects (ELSA) and/or research on the optimisation of the health care systems; (iii) to encourage collaboration between academia (research teams from universities, higher education institutions, public research performing institutions), clinical/public health research (research teams from hospital/ public health institutions, healthcare settings and other healthcare organisations) and private partners e.g. SMEs (Small and Medium-size Enterprises).
Research areas:
- Translating Basic to Clinical Research and Beyond
- Integrating Big Data and ICT Solutions
- Research towards Respondsible Implementation in Health Care
Contact: Katja Kuhlmann, Tel: +49 228 3821 2211 ,
Wolfgang Ballensiefen,
Further information: