Innovationsportal Sachsen-Anhalt

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IMI2 Ebola and other filoviral haemorrhagic fevers (Ebola+) programme: future outbreaks;

bis 01.02.2018
The Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI2) should seek to involve a broader range of partners, including mid-sized companies, from different sectors e.g. biomedical imaging, medical information technology, diagnostic and/or animal health industries. Involving the wider community in this way should help to advance the development of new approaches and technologies for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases with high impact on public health.
The key deliverables of projects funded under the Ebola+ programme must be outputs that will increase our preparedness to react to future outbreaks of Ebola and other filoviral haemorrhagic fevers.
Key deliverables might include (but are not limited to) the following:
??the progression of a novel vaccine candidate, diagnostic or treatment up to a stage ready for testing in an outbreak setting;
- the development of tools to help with pre-clinical and clinical development of vaccine candidates and treatments (incl. Proof of Concept testing of existing platforms for screening compounds for Ebola and other filoviruses);
- the development and/or validation of a novel diagnostic test that is sufficiently sensitive, rapid, user-friendly, cheap, and usable in resource-limited settings;
- the development of novel strategies to improve the stability of vaccines against Ebola and other filoviral infections during transport and storage, e.g. which would allow storage at 8°C or ambient temperatures for prolonged durations;
- the development of novel manufacturing and delivery strategies;
- the development of learning and strategies for optimal deployment and adherence to vaccination programmes;
- the facilitation of the exploitation of recent advances in our understanding of Ebola and other filoviral infections and the acceleration of their development into health care interventions.

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