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Event - Stakeholder-Forum der Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI2)

Europäische Kommission : Horizon 2020
The Stakeholder Forum 2016 will take place on Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29 September at the Hotel Crown Plaza - Le Palace in Brussels, Belgium.

28.09.2016: IMI Scientific Officers will present the topics of IMI's upcoming 10th Call for proposals, followed by a networking cocktail and dinner where participants will have the opportunity to meet IMI staff and network with potential partners around the topics of Call 10.

29.09.2016: The second day will be dedicate to parallel consultative workshops on strategic research areas, bringing together IMI stakeholders to shape the future of IMI's programme. The four parallel consultations will cover advanced therapies, biopreparedness, digital health and oncology.
oAdvanced therapies
oDigital health

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