Innovationsportal Sachsen-Anhalt

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ERA-Net:MarTERA co-funded Call 2017

bis 30.06.2017
Europäische Kommission : Horizon 2020
MarTERA opened a transnational call with a budget of about 30 Mio ¤ for collaborative research projects in different areas of maritime and marine technologies (deadline: 31th March 2017). This call is initiated by 18 funding organisations of the former ERA-NET MARTEC consortium and JPI OCEANS members from 16 countries/regions:

EU Member States countries/regions: Belgium-Flanders, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain
EU associated countries: Norway and Turkey
Third countries: Argentina, Belarus and South Africa
The Call 2017 will be implemented as a two-step procedure (a pre-proposal and a full-proposal step).

The 16 countries support following maritime and marine technology areas:

Priority Area 1: Environmentally friendly maritime technologies
Priority Area 2: Development of novel materials and structures
Priority Area 3: Sensors, automation, monitoring and observations
Priority Area 4: Advanced manufacturing and production
Priority Area 5: Safety and security
Only projects which receive funds from at least two countries will be supported.

Deadline submission of the pre-proposals: 31.03.2017; 17:00 MEZ
Deadline submission of the full proposals: 08.09.2017
Start of the research & Innovation projects: Early 2018

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