Innovationsportal Sachsen-Anhalt

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EMBO - Gold Medal

Fördergeber - Sonstige
The EMBO Gold Medal is awarded annually to young scientists for outstanding contributions to the life sciences in Europe.
Young independent group leaders play a major role in building a strong research environment. EMBO places a focus on supporting the needs of young researchers at different stages of their careers. By awarding the EMBO Gold Medal, EMBO wishes to acknowledge and highlight some of the remarkable achievements of this group. EMBO Members are invited to nominate candidates, please refer to the nomination procedure.
The winner of the EMBO Gold Medal receives a hand-crafted medal and a bursary of 10,000 euros. The awardee is invited to receive the award and present their research at the The EMBO Meeting.
The winner is also invited to write a review that will be published in The EMBO Journal.

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