Innovationsportal Sachsen-Anhalt

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EU - Sonstige
Biodiversity underpins many services provided by ecosystems that are vital to humankind but this biodiversity is under threat. Habitats of all types, including forests, grasslands, wetlands and river systems, continue to be fragmented and degraded. For species, the trend towards greater extinction risk for several taxonomic groups shows no sign of decreasing. Where ecosystem services have been assessed, many are found to be in decline and marine ecosystems fall short of their potential to provide for human needs.

Theme 1 : Understanding and managing the biodiversity dynamics of soils and sediments to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services

Sub-theme 1: Relationships between changes in soil and sediment biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and services.
Sub-theme 2: Impacts of global change and anthropogenic activities on soil and sediment biodiversity, and feedbacks on global change drivers.
Sub-theme 3: The knowledge base for innovative management of soil and sediment biodiversity to enhance ecosystem functioning and service delivery.

Theme 2 : Understanding and managing biodiversity dynamics in land-, river- and sea-scapes (habitat connectivity, green and blue infrastructures, and naturing cities) to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services

Sub-theme 1:Critical features of green and blue infrastructures (GBIs) that determine their ability to support biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services.
Sub-theme 2: Incorporation of global change drivers when designing green and blue infrastructures to preserve and sustainably manage biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services.
Sub-theme 3: Effects of green and blue infrastructures in intensively managed sea-/land-scapes, and interactions with "grey" infrastructures.

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