« Personen

Prof. Dr. Dieter Schinzer
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik
Institut für Chemie
Universitätsplatz 2
Tel.:+49 391 6758673
Fax:+49 391 6712223
Profil Service
Name: Dieter Schinzer | |
Date and Place of Birth: | |
July 7, 1953, Gudensberg (Germany) | |
Nationality: | |
German | |
Education (Degrees, Dates, Universities): | |
Undergraduate school, Department of Chemistry, University of Marburg (1974-1977). | |
Habilitation with Prof.E.Winterfeldt in 1986 |
at the University of Hannover. |
Career/Employment (Employers, Positions and Dates): | |
Feodor-Lynen fellow (Alexander v. Humboldt-foundation), Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, USA with Prof.C.H.Heathcock (1980-1982). | |
Founder, Consultant and Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) of MOLISA (Molecular Links Sachsen-Anhalt) GmbH, Magdeburg (2002-present). | |
Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering (2002-2005). | |
Consultant with several Pharmaceutical Companies. | |
Research: | |
Organometallic chemistry (silicon-, tin-, and manganese chemistry), developement of new synthetic methods and application to the total synthesis of bioactive natural products, drug design by structure-activitiy-relations (SAR), molecular modeling, and computer applications in chemistry. | |
Honours, Awards, Membership of Professional Societies: | |
GDCh (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker), ACS (American Chemical Society), ECS (European Chemical Society). | |
International Activities: | |
COST (European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research) Managment Committee Member for Actions D12 (Chairman 1998; OrganicTransformations: Selective Processes, Asymmetric Catalysis, and Enzymes), D24 (Sustainable Chemical Processes: Stereoselective Transition Metal Catalysed Reactions), and Action Proposer and Chairman (2002-2006) for D 28 (Natural Products as a Source for Discovery, Synthesis, and Application of New Pharmaceuticals). German Member of the Techical Committee of COST Chemistry (2000-2006).; Liaison Member of the Technical Committees of COST Medicine and Health, and Biotechnology and Food (2002-2006). German Member and Chairman (2006-2009) of the new Domaine Committee of COST "Chemistry and Molecular Sciences and Technologies" | |
- Organische Chemie,
- Natur- und Wirkstoffsynthese,
- Medizinische Chemie,
- Struktur-Aktivitättsbeziehungen
- Organische Chemie,
- Natur- und Wirkstoffsynthese,
- Medizinische Chemie,
- Struktur-Aktivitättsbeziehungen
Projekte Kooperationen
- Helmholtzzentrum für Infektionsforschung Braunschweig und AnalytiCon Discovery GmbH Potsdam