Innovationsportal Sachsen-Anhalt

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Profil • Service


  • Since 05/2018 Research associate at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
    • Since 09/2019 EXPLANT (EXtracting Product Lines from vAriaNTs)t, funded by the German Research Council

  • 01/2020-03/2020 Visiting researcher at University of Toronto, Canada (continued for 3 months from Germany, due to COVID pandemic)
  • 10/2017-09/2018 Visiting researcher at Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Sweden
  • 03/2016-04/2018 Research associate at Harz University of Applied Sciences Wernigerode
    • EXPLANT (EXtracting Product Lines from vAriaNTs), funded by the German Research Council

  • 2014-2016 M.Sc. Business Informatics, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
  • 2014-2016 Research assistant at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg and METOP GmbH
  • 2010-2014 B.Sc. Business Informatics, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg


  • PC Member/Reviewer
    • SPLC'20 '19 '18 Artifacts Evaluation; SPLC'20 '19 '18 Challenge Solutions
    • Empirical Software Engineering (2020, 2019); Engineering Reports (2020)

  • Sub Reviewer for PC Members/Reviewers
    • ESEC/FSE'20; ICSE'20; VaMoS'20; SE'20; SPLC'20, '19; ICSOFT'19; SOFSEM'19; ASE'18; MODELS'18; SPLC'17 Tool Track
    • Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (2019), Transactions on Software Engineering (2018), Journal of Systems and Software (2018, 2017), IEEE Software (2018), Acta Informatica (2017), Scientific Programming (2017)

Projekte • Kooperationen


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  • Hochschule Harz Wernigerode
  • Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
  • Software Center, University of Gothenburg