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Tel.:+49 391 6756582
Prof. Dr. Eva G. Heidbreder
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften
Institut II: Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Expertise in EU-Politikgestaltung: Politikentwicklung in ausgewählten Politikfeldern, zentrale Entscheidungsfindungsprozesse auf der EU Ebene (Wahlen, Neubesetzung von Institutionen, ...), Grundlagen der Politikgestaltung über Regierungsebenen.Profil Service
Eva Heidbreder is professor for Multilevel Governance In Europe at the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg. Since 2022, she holds a Jean Monnet Chair, granted by the European Union. Previous positions include a junior professorship at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf where she also completed her Habilitation. She held visiting professorships at the University of Konstanz, the Humboldt University as well as the Free University Berlin. After completing her PhD at the European University Institute in Florence. She held post-doc positions at the Free University and the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. She completed a MA in Modern European Studies at the University of North London, a Magister in European Studies at the University of Osnabrück, as well as a post-graduate diploma in the same field at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna.
Her research focus circles around effective and legitimate governance in the EU. Taking a public policy / public administrative research angle, research topics include the horizontal implementation networks in EU policy-making and administration, civil society involvement, and major political processes such as the Brexit and electoral dynamics. Current projects include EU-policy coordination in the member states, the sub-national EU-policy-making in the German Länder, and constituent politics in the EU's policymaking and institutional order. She is co-speaker of various sections or working groups in national and international professional organisations, currently for the RC on Comparative Public Policy of the International Political Science Association (IPSA). Previously, she served as speaker for the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) and the German Association for Political Science (DVPW, member of the executive board). Professor Dr. Eva Heidbreder was Scholar in Residence 2023, appointed by the the Stiftung Europa-Kolleg-Hamburg and the Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Foundation in 2023. In February 2024, she was fellow at the European University Institute, Florence.
Eva Heidbreder is director of the BA and MA European Studies at the OVGU. She gives regular lectures in Germany and abroad in to promote the wider field of political education and dialogue and is engaged in third-mission activities, amongst others as speaker of the Evangelischer Hochschulbeirat Magdeburg. She regularly serves as expert for political bodies such as the regional governments, the Länder Parliaments or the Bundestag/Bundesrat.
Her research focus circles around effective and legitimate governance in the EU. Taking a public policy / public administrative research angle, research topics include the horizontal implementation networks in EU policy-making and administration, civil society involvement, and major political processes such as the Brexit and electoral dynamics. Current projects include EU-policy coordination in the member states, the sub-national EU-policy-making in the German Länder, and constituent politics in the EU's policymaking and institutional order. She is co-speaker of various sections or working groups in national and international professional organisations, currently for the RC on Comparative Public Policy of the International Political Science Association (IPSA). Previously, she served as speaker for the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) and the German Association for Political Science (DVPW, member of the executive board). Professor Dr. Eva Heidbreder was Scholar in Residence 2023, appointed by the the Stiftung Europa-Kolleg-Hamburg and the Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Foundation in 2023. In February 2024, she was fellow at the European University Institute, Florence.
Eva Heidbreder is director of the BA and MA European Studies at the OVGU. She gives regular lectures in Germany and abroad in to promote the wider field of political education and dialogue and is engaged in third-mission activities, amongst others as speaker of the Evangelischer Hochschulbeirat Magdeburg. She regularly serves as expert for political bodies such as the regional governments, the Länder Parliaments or the Bundestag/Bundesrat.
- Political Science
- European Union Governance
- Multilevel Polity Analysis (comparative federalism)
- Public Policy
- Public Administration
- Theory-building, basic research
- Applied policy studies (public policy research)
- European Union Governance
- Multilevel Polity Analysis (comparative federalism)
- Public Policy
- Public Administration
- Theory-building, basic research
- Applied policy studies (public policy research)
Policy advise on multilevel governance steering (applicable mainly to public bodies, example for applied studies, see: https://europa.sachsen-anhalt.de/europapolitik/aktuelles/30-jahre-europaministerkonferenz-handlungsoptionen-und-visionen-fuer-die-zukunft)
Projekte Kooperationen
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