« Personen

Dr. Karl Hartmann
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Medizinische Fakultät
Universitätsklinik für Neurochirurgie
Leipziger Str. 44
Tel.:+49 391 6715534
2000-2006 Bilinguales Abitur, Ubbo-Emmius-Gymnasium Leer: Biologie, Kunst, Englisch, Geographie Abschlussnote: 1,7
2006-2013 Studium der Humanmedizin an der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover (MHH) Abschlussnote: gut
2010-2017 Promotion zum Dr. med. am Institut für Musikermedizin und Musikphysiologie der HMTMH bei Prof. Dr. med. Eckart Altenmüller, Thema: „Structural neuroplasticity in expert pianists depends on the age of musical training onset“
Abschlussnote: magna cum laude
Jun 2021 Facharzt für Neurochirurgie
Mai 2006 Humangenetik, Universität, Bremen
Spt 2007 Neurochirurgie, International Neuroscience Institute, Hannover
Mrz 2008 Unfallchirurgie, Nordstadt Klinikum, Hannover
Spt 2009 Psychosomatik, Campus Charité Mitte, Berlin
Apr 2010 Neurochirurgie, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel
Jul 2010 Neuroradiologie, Vivantes Krankenhaus Neukölln, Berlin
Spt 2010 Neurologie, Nordstadt Klinikum, Hannover
Jan 2020 Neurochirurgie, Hospital Calixto Garcia, Roberto Verdial, Havanna, Cuba
Jan 2020 Neurochirurgie, Clinico Hermanos Ameijeiras, Enrique de Jongh Cobo, Havanna, Cuba
Aug 2012 Hämatoonkologie, Knochenmarktransplantationsstation, Immunologie, MHH, Hannover
Dez 2012 Unfall-, Allgemein-, Visceral-, Gefäß- und Neurochirurgie, Nordstadt Klinikum, Hannover
Mrz 2013 Neurologie, Nordstadt Klinikum Hannover
Jun 11/Dez 12 Stations- und OP-Assistent, Traumatologie, Neustadt am Rübenberge
Aug 2013 Sitzwache in der Psychiatrie Langenhagen, Hannover
seit Aug 2014 Assistenzarzt, Neurochirurgie, Nordstadt Klinikum, Hannover
Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. I. E. Sandalcioglu, Prof. Dr. med. A. Nabavi
seit Aug 2014 Mitglied des neurochirurgischen Forschungslabors Nordstadt Klinikum Hannover; Abteilung Neuroimaging und 3D Visualisierung
Direktorin: Dr. rer. nat. Claudia A. Dumitru
seit Jun 2020 Assistenzarzt der Universitätsklinik für Neurochirurgie, Universität Magdeburg, Deutschland
Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. I. E. Sandalcioglu
seit Jun 2020 Leiter der Forschungsgruppe: Perioperative Adaption funktioneller Netzwerke sowie deren Einsatz zur Planung der neurochirurgischer Interventionen
seit Aug 2021 Oberarzt der Universitätsklinik für Neurochirurgie, Universität Magdeburg, Deutschland
Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. I. E. Sandalcioglu
Feb 2017 Hartmann, K., Stein, K.-P., Neyazi, B., Sandalcioglu, I. E., Intraoperative optical coherance tomography in neurosurgical procedures: A new dynamic neuroimaging modality. 6th Congress of the Intra Operative Imaging Society. Hanover, Germany
Sept 2017 Hartmann, K. 2017. Auswirkungen intensives Klavierspielens auf die Hirnmorphologie. 16. Symposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikermedizin und Musikphysiologie. Oberwesel, Germany
Juni 2018 Hartmann, K. 2018. A View into the Plastic Architecture of the Human Brain - Structural Adaptations in High Level Pianists. 14. Kongress für Tanzmedizin. Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Jan 2020 Hartmann, K., A Neuroscientific View on Music Evoked Emotions, Workshop, Panama
Sept 2016 Hartmann, K., Vaskuläre Anatomie des zentralen Nervensystems. Regelmäßiger Studenten Unterricht im Rahmen des Wahlpflichtfaches: Neurochirurgie – Operative Anatomie. Lehrveranstaltung der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover MHH
Jan 2021 Neuroscience and Dance, Block Seminar, Postgraduate Master of Advanced Studies in Dance Science, University of Bern
seit Aug 2020 Betreuung Doktoranden der Humanmedizin; Adaption funktioneller Netzwerke im Rahmen neurochirurgischer Krankheitsbilder
Aug 2017 Wissenschaftspreis 2017 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikermedizin und Musikphysiologie
2000-2006 Bilinguales Abitur, Ubbo-Emmius-Gymnasium Leer: Biologie, Kunst, Englisch, Geographie Abschlussnote: 1,7
2006-2013 Studium der Humanmedizin an der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover (MHH) Abschlussnote: gut
2010-2017 Promotion zum Dr. med. am Institut für Musikermedizin und Musikphysiologie der HMTMH bei Prof. Dr. med. Eckart Altenmüller, Thema: „Structural neuroplasticity in expert pianists depends on the age of musical training onset“
Abschlussnote: magna cum laude
Jun 2021 Facharzt für Neurochirurgie
Mai 2006 Humangenetik, Universität, Bremen
Spt 2007 Neurochirurgie, International Neuroscience Institute, Hannover
Mrz 2008 Unfallchirurgie, Nordstadt Klinikum, Hannover
Spt 2009 Psychosomatik, Campus Charité Mitte, Berlin
Apr 2010 Neurochirurgie, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel
Jul 2010 Neuroradiologie, Vivantes Krankenhaus Neukölln, Berlin
Spt 2010 Neurologie, Nordstadt Klinikum, Hannover
Jan 2020 Neurochirurgie, Hospital Calixto Garcia, Roberto Verdial, Havanna, Cuba
Jan 2020 Neurochirurgie, Clinico Hermanos Ameijeiras, Enrique de Jongh Cobo, Havanna, Cuba
Aug 2012 Hämatoonkologie, Knochenmarktransplantationsstation, Immunologie, MHH, Hannover
Dez 2012 Unfall-, Allgemein-, Visceral-, Gefäß- und Neurochirurgie, Nordstadt Klinikum, Hannover
Mrz 2013 Neurologie, Nordstadt Klinikum Hannover
Jun 11/Dez 12 Stations- und OP-Assistent, Traumatologie, Neustadt am Rübenberge
Aug 2013 Sitzwache in der Psychiatrie Langenhagen, Hannover
seit Aug 2014 Assistenzarzt, Neurochirurgie, Nordstadt Klinikum, Hannover
Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. I. E. Sandalcioglu, Prof. Dr. med. A. Nabavi
seit Aug 2014 Mitglied des neurochirurgischen Forschungslabors Nordstadt Klinikum Hannover; Abteilung Neuroimaging und 3D Visualisierung
Direktorin: Dr. rer. nat. Claudia A. Dumitru
seit Jun 2020 Assistenzarzt der Universitätsklinik für Neurochirurgie, Universität Magdeburg, Deutschland
Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. I. E. Sandalcioglu
seit Jun 2020 Leiter der Forschungsgruppe: Perioperative Adaption funktioneller Netzwerke sowie deren Einsatz zur Planung der neurochirurgischer Interventionen
seit Aug 2021 Oberarzt der Universitätsklinik für Neurochirurgie, Universität Magdeburg, Deutschland
Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. I. E. Sandalcioglu
Feb 2017 Hartmann, K., Stein, K.-P., Neyazi, B., Sandalcioglu, I. E., Intraoperative optical coherance tomography in neurosurgical procedures: A new dynamic neuroimaging modality. 6th Congress of the Intra Operative Imaging Society. Hanover, Germany
Sept 2017 Hartmann, K. 2017. Auswirkungen intensives Klavierspielens auf die Hirnmorphologie. 16. Symposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikermedizin und Musikphysiologie. Oberwesel, Germany
Juni 2018 Hartmann, K. 2018. A View into the Plastic Architecture of the Human Brain - Structural Adaptations in High Level Pianists. 14. Kongress für Tanzmedizin. Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Jan 2020 Hartmann, K., A Neuroscientific View on Music Evoked Emotions, Workshop, Panama
Sept 2016 Hartmann, K., Vaskuläre Anatomie des zentralen Nervensystems. Regelmäßiger Studenten Unterricht im Rahmen des Wahlpflichtfaches: Neurochirurgie – Operative Anatomie. Lehrveranstaltung der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover MHH
Jan 2021 Neuroscience and Dance, Block Seminar, Postgraduate Master of Advanced Studies in Dance Science, University of Bern
seit Aug 2020 Betreuung Doktoranden der Humanmedizin; Adaption funktioneller Netzwerke im Rahmen neurochirurgischer Krankheitsbilder
Aug 2017 Wissenschaftspreis 2017 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikermedizin und Musikphysiologie
Innovative Imaging Techniques for Neurosurgical Guidance
OCT imaging depends on the detection of back scattered near infrared light and is therefore harmless to biological tissue. Its physical properties allow for microscope integration. This leads to the possibility of contact free three-dimensional, real-time scanning of tissue in the field of view of the surgeon. Penetrating depth depends on optical tissue densities. With approximately 4000 µm in the human cerebral cortex it meets microsurgical requirements.
In particular OCT offers an unprecedented axial spatial resolution ranging from 1 - 15 µm –approaching the resolution of conventional histopathology. In vitro recent optical and image processing advancements like automatic serial sectioning of polarization sensitive OCT (asPSOCT) and speckle modulation further increased image quality to display cerebral cortical layers at single cell width.
A part from structural imaging adaptations of perfusion-dependent OCT offer the possibility of parallel functional brain mapping. Due to the capability of performing “optic biopsies” systems which combine catheter integrated OCT and laser ablation might demonstrate minimal invasive and precise theranostic instruments.
These versatile strengths shed light on future perspectives. Our team validates intraoperative use of microscope integrated OCT for progression of neurosurgical guidance.
Perioperative Adaptions of Functional Brain Networks [EN]
Brainfunction is based on the integrity of functional brain networks. Impairements of functional brain networks manifest in neurological deficits.
During our clinical routine we already use high resolution, contrast enhanced, perfusion- and diffusion based as well as task based magnet resonance imaging to delineate structural and functional correlates of neurological deficits. Measurements of spontanous activity at rest to delineate functional brain networks are missing so far. Though they now state a the only technique to delineate functional brain networks.
During recent years resting state functional brain imaging gained importance for clinical applications in diseases like Autism, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer or Parkinson’s (Fox and Greicius et al. 2010). E g. in ADHS-Syndrom decreased functional connectivity of ACC (anterior cingulate cortex) and PCC (posterior cingulate cortex) could be described (Castellanos et al. 2008). The relevance of this technique as an objective diagnostic measurement is object of research.
Another future application is the delineation of eloquent brain areas for neurosurgical guidance. Up to date tasked based fMRI is used to delineate these - often individual or pathological relocated - brain areas (Petrella et al. 2006). In unconscious, impaired or pediatric patients task based approaches are limited. We here test for the relevance of resting state brain networks for the delineation of otherwise concealed eloquent brain networks (Nandakumar et al. 2019).
OCT imaging depends on the detection of back scattered near infrared light and is therefore harmless to biological tissue. Its physical properties allow for microscope integration. This leads to the possibility of contact free three-dimensional, real-time scanning of tissue in the field of view of the surgeon. Penetrating depth depends on optical tissue densities. With approximately 4000 µm in the human cerebral cortex it meets microsurgical requirements.
In particular OCT offers an unprecedented axial spatial resolution ranging from 1 - 15 µm –approaching the resolution of conventional histopathology. In vitro recent optical and image processing advancements like automatic serial sectioning of polarization sensitive OCT (asPSOCT) and speckle modulation further increased image quality to display cerebral cortical layers at single cell width.
A part from structural imaging adaptations of perfusion-dependent OCT offer the possibility of parallel functional brain mapping. Due to the capability of performing “optic biopsies” systems which combine catheter integrated OCT and laser ablation might demonstrate minimal invasive and precise theranostic instruments.
These versatile strengths shed light on future perspectives. Our team validates intraoperative use of microscope integrated OCT for progression of neurosurgical guidance.
Perioperative Adaptions of Functional Brain Networks [EN]
Brainfunction is based on the integrity of functional brain networks. Impairements of functional brain networks manifest in neurological deficits.
During our clinical routine we already use high resolution, contrast enhanced, perfusion- and diffusion based as well as task based magnet resonance imaging to delineate structural and functional correlates of neurological deficits. Measurements of spontanous activity at rest to delineate functional brain networks are missing so far. Though they now state a the only technique to delineate functional brain networks.
During recent years resting state functional brain imaging gained importance for clinical applications in diseases like Autism, Schizophrenia, Alzheimer or Parkinson’s (Fox and Greicius et al. 2010). E g. in ADHS-Syndrom decreased functional connectivity of ACC (anterior cingulate cortex) and PCC (posterior cingulate cortex) could be described (Castellanos et al. 2008). The relevance of this technique as an objective diagnostic measurement is object of research.
Another future application is the delineation of eloquent brain areas for neurosurgical guidance. Up to date tasked based fMRI is used to delineate these - often individual or pathological relocated - brain areas (Petrella et al. 2006). In unconscious, impaired or pediatric patients task based approaches are limited. We here test for the relevance of resting state brain networks for the delineation of otherwise concealed eloquent brain networks (Nandakumar et al. 2019).