« Personen

Dr. El Ghali Bouhafs
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Philosophische Fakultät II
Institut für Sportwissenschaft
Von-Seckendorff-Platz 2
Halle (Saale)
Tel.:+49 345 5524421
Education 26.04.2018 to now Researcher in martin Luther university and European union In the field of sports psychology, sports medicine, Sports therapy, sports Education and innovation. Prevention and rehabilitation | | |
1.9.2014-26.4.2018 |
Doctoral Studies | |
1.10.2003-30.9.2004 |
Studies at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg | |
1.10.2001-30.9.2003 |
Preparatory College, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg | |
1.1.2000-30.9.2001 |
Education in German as a Foreign Language (DAF) | |
10.10.1997-9.10.2000 |
Studies at Mohammed V-Agdal University, Rabat, Morocco | |
Further Degrees and Certificates
2012 |
Course, Stadtsportbund Halle e.V. |
2012 |
Sports Instructor License B: “Rehabilitation Interior Medicine” |
2012 |
Sports Instructor License C: “Mass Sports” |
2012 |
Sports Instructor License “Rehabilitation Sports - Sensorik” |
2012 |
Sports Instructor License “Rehabilitation Sports – Neurology” |
2012 |
Sports Instructor License “Rehabilitation Sports – Psychiatry” |
2012 |
Sports Instructor License “Rehabilitation Sports – Orthopaedics” |
2012 |
Sports Instructor License “Rehabilitation Sports – Mental Disabilities” |
2010 |
Further Professional Training, Lebens(t)raum e.V., Halle (Saale), Germany |
2009-2012 |
Sports Instructor License C: Trainer “Deutscher Unihockey Bund” |
2003 |
International Licence “Fitness Trainer” |
Professional Experience
1.1.2012-1.9.2014 |
Personal Coach and Nutritional Advisor |
1.1.2009-30.9.2015 |
Fitness Trainer, Studio “Am Tulpenbrunnen” Halle (Saale), Germany |
1.10.2007-30.9.2008 |
Teaching Experience: Sports Related Activities for the Aged |
Languages: Arab (native)
French (second language, fluent)
German (fluent)
English (fluent)