« Personen

Kurt-Mothes-Str. 3a
Halle (Saale)
Tel.:+49 345 5524960
Fax:+49 345 5527387
Prof. Dr. Sven-Erik Behrens
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I
Institut für Biochemie und Biotechnologie
1. Wir untersuchen die Funktionen einzelner Proteine, die die Vermehrung verschiedener Human-, Tier- und Pflanzenviren mit einem RNA (Ribonukleinsäure) Genom beeinflussen. Einige der Proteine stammen aus der Zelle, werden von den Viren rekrutiert und ‚helfen‘ bei deren Vermehrung. Andere der untersuchten Proteine bekämpfen virale Infektionen im Rahmen der pflanzlichen Immunantwort. Schließlich analysieren wir die Mechanismen viraler Proteine, mit der diese pflanzliche Immunantwort inhibieren.2. Im Rahmen eines universitären Projektes wurde eine neue Technologie zur Impfung von Tieren gegen Viren entwickelt, die nun in der ausgegründeten VEROVACCiNES GmbH in Halle weiterentwickelt wird.
3. Über die Entwicklung einer Technologie, die die einen wichtigen Teil der Immunantwort gegen Viren ‚im Reagenzglas‘ simuliert, können besonders effizient antivirale RNA-Wirkstoffe, sog. ‚RNA Aktiva‘ identifiziert werden. Diese Technologie wird derzeit für die routinemäßige Anwendung optimiert.
Prof. Dr. Sven-Erik Behrens
Date of birth: 23. 02. 1961
Place of birth: Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Office address: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Section Microbial Biotechnology, CTP,
Kurt-Mothes-Str. 3a, 06120 Halle/Saale
Phone: 0345-5524960
e-mail: sven.behrens@biochemtech.uni-halle.de
Homepage: https://www.biochemtech.uni-halle.de/mibitech/
Academic education
1988 – 1992 Doctoral studies (Dr. rer. nat), Free University Berlin, Philipps University Marburg, Germany. Ph.D. thesis studies at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Tumor Research (IMT), Philipps University Marburg, Germany (Prof. Lührmann). Grade (Dr. rer. nat.): summa cum laude.
1980 – 1988 Diploma studies in Biology and Biochemistry, Free University Berlin, Germany. Diploma thesis studies in the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany (Profs. Wagner, Wittmann). Grade (Diploma Biochemistry): very good.
Professional career
Since 2017 Co-founder and CSO of VEROVACCiNES GmbH
Since 2005 Professor and head of the section Microbial Biotechnology at the Institute of
Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
2002-2005 Member (Associate Professor) at the Institute for Cancer Research, Fox Chase Cancer
Center, Philadelphia, USA.
1999 Habilitation and Venia legend in ‛Medical Virology’, Justus Liebig University Gießen (JLU),
1995–2002 Principal Investigator at the Institute for Virology, JLU, Germany.
1993–1995 Postdoctoral fellow (with AIDS scholarship of the BMFT) at the Institute of Molecular
Biology Research (IRBM), Rome, Italy (Profs. De Francesco, Cortese).
1992-1993 Postdoctoral fellow at the IMT, Philipps University Marburg (Prof. Lührmann)
Fellowship, awards
2018 Hugo Junkers Award (State of Saxony Anhalt) for project ‘esiRNAs’
2018 Metropolregion Mitteldeutschland Award, City of Halle for project ‘Novel adjuvants’
2014 Hugo Junkers Award (State of Saxony Anhalt) for project VEROVACCiNES
2014 SCIDEA Award for project VEROVACCiNES
2012 GO-Bio Award of the BMBF for project ‘Vakzinova B4’
1993-1998 AIDS Scholarship of the BMBF (BMFT) for project ‘HCV polymerase’
Research interests
Molecular determinants of the replication of different RNA viruses
Development of new types of vaccines and treatment procedures against viral diseases in animals and plants
German Society of Virology (GfV)
American Society of Microbiology (ASM)
International Society for Vaccines (ISV)
Scientific coordination activities
2013-2018 Project manager of the BMBF project ‘VEROVACCiNES’ (2013-2018)
2015-2016 Deputy speaker of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 648 “Molecular mechanisms of information processing in plant” (2015-2016)
2010-2014 Deputy Speaker of the DFG Research Training Group GRK1591 “Posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression”
Academic administration (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg)
Since 2017 Member of the academic Senate
2014-2018 Member of the Senate Commission for Structure and Finance (2014-2018)
2010-2014 Member of the Senate Commission for Research
2010-2017 Member of the extended academic Senate
2010-2014 Vice Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences I (Life Sciences)
2008-2014 Managing Director of the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Date of birth: 23. 02. 1961
Place of birth: Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Office address: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Section Microbial Biotechnology, CTP,
Kurt-Mothes-Str. 3a, 06120 Halle/Saale
Phone: 0345-5524960
e-mail: sven.behrens@biochemtech.uni-halle.de
Homepage: https://www.biochemtech.uni-halle.de/mibitech/
Academic education
1988 – 1992 Doctoral studies (Dr. rer. nat), Free University Berlin, Philipps University Marburg, Germany. Ph.D. thesis studies at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Tumor Research (IMT), Philipps University Marburg, Germany (Prof. Lührmann). Grade (Dr. rer. nat.): summa cum laude.
1980 – 1988 Diploma studies in Biology and Biochemistry, Free University Berlin, Germany. Diploma thesis studies in the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany (Profs. Wagner, Wittmann). Grade (Diploma Biochemistry): very good.
Professional career
Since 2017 Co-founder and CSO of VEROVACCiNES GmbH
Since 2005 Professor and head of the section Microbial Biotechnology at the Institute of
Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
2002-2005 Member (Associate Professor) at the Institute for Cancer Research, Fox Chase Cancer
Center, Philadelphia, USA.
1999 Habilitation and Venia legend in ‛Medical Virology’, Justus Liebig University Gießen (JLU),
1995–2002 Principal Investigator at the Institute for Virology, JLU, Germany.
1993–1995 Postdoctoral fellow (with AIDS scholarship of the BMFT) at the Institute of Molecular
Biology Research (IRBM), Rome, Italy (Profs. De Francesco, Cortese).
1992-1993 Postdoctoral fellow at the IMT, Philipps University Marburg (Prof. Lührmann)
Fellowship, awards
2018 Hugo Junkers Award (State of Saxony Anhalt) for project ‘esiRNAs’
2018 Metropolregion Mitteldeutschland Award, City of Halle for project ‘Novel adjuvants’
2014 Hugo Junkers Award (State of Saxony Anhalt) for project VEROVACCiNES
2014 SCIDEA Award for project VEROVACCiNES
2012 GO-Bio Award of the BMBF for project ‘Vakzinova B4’
1993-1998 AIDS Scholarship of the BMBF (BMFT) for project ‘HCV polymerase’
Research interests
Molecular determinants of the replication of different RNA viruses
Development of new types of vaccines and treatment procedures against viral diseases in animals and plants
German Society of Virology (GfV)
American Society of Microbiology (ASM)
International Society for Vaccines (ISV)
Scientific coordination activities
2013-2018 Project manager of the BMBF project ‘VEROVACCiNES’ (2013-2018)
2015-2016 Deputy speaker of the Collaborative Research Center SFB 648 “Molecular mechanisms of information processing in plant” (2015-2016)
2010-2014 Deputy Speaker of the DFG Research Training Group GRK1591 “Posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression”
Academic administration (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg)
Since 2017 Member of the academic Senate
2014-2018 Member of the Senate Commission for Structure and Finance (2014-2018)
2010-2014 Member of the Senate Commission for Research
2010-2017 Member of the extended academic Senate
2010-2014 Vice Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences I (Life Sciences)
2008-2014 Managing Director of the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Wesentliche Forschungsprojekte
Molecular determinants of the replication of different RNA viruses
Development of new types of vaccines and treatment procedures against viral diseases in animals and plants
Molecular determinants of the replication of different RNA viruses
Development of new types of vaccines and treatment procedures against viral diseases in animals and plants
Forschergruppen Projekte
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