« Personen

Dr.-Ing. Moawia Al-Hamid
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Institut für Medizintechnik
Universitätsplatz 2
Tel.:+49 391 6711075
Fax:+49 391 6711236
1. Theoretical and experimental research in the field of EMC.
2. Teaching in the field of Electromagnetic: Courses taught: - Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC Course, - Special problems of Electromagnetic Compatibility Course, - EMC Measurements Course 3. Supervise and execute the EMC-measurement in several laboratories that belong to the institute for fundamental electrical engeneering and electromagnetic compatibility
4. Laboratory supervisor (fundamental electrical engineering and EMC laboratories)
5. Accredited Interpreter and Translator (German ↔ Arabic)
2. Teaching in the field of Electromagnetic: Courses taught: - Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC Course, - Special problems of Electromagnetic Compatibility Course, - EMC Measurements Course 3. Supervise and execute the EMC-measurement in several laboratories that belong to the institute for fundamental electrical engeneering and electromagnetic compatibility
4. Laboratory supervisor (fundamental electrical engineering and EMC laboratories)
5. Accredited Interpreter and Translator (German ↔ Arabic)