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RSA Early Career Grant Scheme
Fördergeber - Sonstige
This award is open to single applicants in their early career (five years maximum between the date showing on the certificate and the application deadline). Applicants must be based within an eligible higher education institution (HEI) and must be a current, early career member of the Regional Studies Association and throughout the duration of the grant (please note that applicant may apply for membership at the same time as applying for the grant). The RSA Early Career Grant is provided to support a discrete piece of regional studies and/or regional science research. The value of the grant is up to £10,000 (or its equivalent in dollars or euros depending upon the agreed exchange rate at the time of the award). The grant has a maximum time span of 18 months and reporting conditions apply. Only one grant will be made to any successful applicant. The Regional Studies Association has earmarked up to £40,000 for the RSA Early Career Grants in 2014. This will be distributed across the one round of the competition but the allocation of monies will be determined by the quality of applications. The Association may choose to release further funds. The Scheme is expected to continue in 2015 and more details will be announced in due to course. The full Terms and Conditions governing the grant will be provided to successful applicants as part of the formal offer, based on the general terms and conditions set out below.
Candidates should ensure that their application:
-Is ambitious in their scope and have a clear international impact;
-Includes the full research specification within the main application document instead of an attached document;
-Includes a CV that lists only the top 5 relevant publications to the research proposal;
-Includes a copy of the PhD certificate showing the date of the award;
-Asks why the RSA should fund the research and how the research fits within the Association's themes of development.
Further Information:
Candidates should ensure that their application:
-Is ambitious in their scope and have a clear international impact;
-Includes the full research specification within the main application document instead of an attached document;
-Includes a CV that lists only the top 5 relevant publications to the research proposal;
-Includes a copy of the PhD certificate showing the date of the award;
-Asks why the RSA should fund the research and how the research fits within the Association's themes of development.
Further Information: