Innovationsportal Sachsen-Anhalt

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Research Fund for Coal and Steel

EU - Sonstige
The Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) supports innovative research in the coal and steel sectors. The RFCS was created in 2002 - on expiry of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) Treaty. Yearly interests on the assets of the ECSC, some ¤ 50 million a year, are used to fund the research. While complementary to the EU's H2020 Framework Programme, RFCS is managed outside of it and is, from a financial point of view, a unique concept. Steel and coal (and their entire production and utilisation cycle) are key areas for the continuous sustainable economic development of Europe.
Types of actions supported:
Research projects
Pilot and demonstration projects
Accompanying measures

The Research Programme for the Research Fund for Coal and Steel supports research activities aimed at the following objectives defined for coal:
Improving the competitive position of Community coal (Coal 1)
Health and safety in mines (Coal 2)
Efficient protection of the environment and improvement of the use of coal as a clean energy source (Coal 3)
Management of external dependence on energy supply (Coal 4)

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The Research Programme for the Research Fund for Coal and Steel shall support research activities aimed at the following objectives defined for steel:
New and improved steelmaking and finishing techniques (Steel 1)
RTD and the utilisation of steel (Steel 2)
Conservation of resources and improvement of working conditions (Steel 3)

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Participants: industry, research organisations, the public and private sectors and universities. Funding must be based on an EU Member State. Typical consortium size is 4-10 partners with wide geographical representation. EU cofinancing: up to 60% for research projects, up to 50% for pilot and demonstration projects and 100% for accompanying measures (in specific cases).

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