Innovationsportal Sachsen-Anhalt

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Minerva Stiftung - Award for Research Cooperation and High Excellence in Science

Fördergeber - Sonstige
The purpose of ARCHES is to recognise and reward outstanding contributions to research as well as to strengthen German-Israeli scientific collaboration. The award will be presented annually to German-Israeli research teams headed by two highly-qualified and talented young scientists ("Principal Investigators"). ARCHES will be bestowed on such teams where a discernible impact on their field of research in general is to be expected by their projects, regardless of whether these teams have been collaborating prior to the application or will only enter into collaboration with ARCHES funds.
On an annually alternating basis, ARCHES focuses on areas within the natural and engineering sciences, the life sciences, and the humanities. In 2015 ARCHES focuses on scientific research in the field of: Life Sciences - Studies in all Areas of Biology and Preclinical Medicine

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