Innovationsportal Sachsen-Anhalt

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U.S.-German Collaboration in Natural and Engineering Sciences between NSF and DFG: Pre-announcement

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) are pleased to announce their cooperation in funding international research and training programmes. To support German-U.S. research and training projects, NSF and DFG have agreed to align application and funding processes within NSF's Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) programme and DFG's Research Training Groups (RTG) programme. Both programmes utilise systematic international cooperation for tackling scientific challenges and as a framework for training the next generation of researchers.
In the 2014 solicitation, published by NSF on 21 July 2014, new PIRE initiatives may cooperate with an existing Research Training Group or International Research Training Group (RTG/IRTG) already funded by DFG. A list of all funded Research Training Groups can be found at the DFG's homepage (link see below "Further information").
The German partners can apply for complementary funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through a supplemental proposal process ("Zusatzantrag"). Funding through this scheme can be provided for research exchange, joint training activities and coordinative measures.
Prerequisite for submission of a supplemental proposal to DFG will be a positive evaluation of the PIRE pre-proposal and a full proposal invitation by NSF. RTG/IRTG supplemental proposals and PIRE full proposals will be evaluated in parallel by both organisations, and DFG funding will be contingent on a positive decision by NSF. Funding for the German partners will be awarded in accordance with the policies of the DFG. The funding duration is limited to the duration of the current RTG/IRTG funding period.

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Kennedyallee 40
53175 Bonn

Dr. Sebastian Granderath
Phone: +49228885-2881

The National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington
Virginia 22230, USA
John Tsapogas
Phone: +1703292-7799

Further Information: