Innovationsportal Sachsen-Anhalt

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Dr. Christopher Abram

Archiv Forschung

Core interest: development of advanced laser measurement techniques for reacting and non-reacting fluid flows, with the goal of improving our physical understanding in topics such as turbulent combustion, heat transfer, geophysical/astrophysical flows, fire research, bioimaging, multiple fields of automotive and aerospace engineering... The focus is on multi-dimensional simultaneous measurements of scalars (especially temperature) and velocity to probe complex flow interactions.

Thermographic phosphor particles can be used as a flow tracer in liquids and gases. The infinite variety of phosphors, in terms of composition (doped insulator, semiconductor, organic-inorganic hybrid...) and morphology (size, shape...), and the nature of the laser-particle interaction itself, means these sensor materials offer broad perspectives in developing new capabilities for flow measurements.



  • 2017 -             Visiting researcher (Marie Curie fellow), Dept. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Princeton University, USA
  • 2014 -             Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik
  • Institut für Strömungstechnik und Thermodynamik, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany
  • 2010 - 2014   PhD, Mechanical Engineering
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
  • 2005 - 2009    MEng (First Class Honours), Mechanical Engineering
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bristol, UK


Synthesis of Novel Phosphor Sensor Particles for Advanced Flame Diagnostics (2017 -
Project in collaboration with Prof. Yiguang Ju, Princeton University.
Flame synthesis of functional nanoparticles.
Research supported by European Union Horizon 2020 (Marie Curie global fellowship)

Current research projects
(2014 - )
Development and application of flow measurements using thermographic phosphors
·      Spectroscopic techniques for luminescence characterisation of phosphor particles;
·      Collaboration with Universität der Bundeswehr München on the investigation of film cooling flows using thermographic phosphors.
PhD - High Repetition Rate Temperature and Velocity Imaging in Turbulent Flows using Thermographic Phosphors (2010 - 2014)
Research supported by a Doctoral Training Award funded through the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Examined by Prof. Bruno Renou and Dr. Guillermo Rein.
Development of a novel laser-based measurement technique 'thermographic PIV', using thermographic phosphor tracer particles to simultaneously image the temperature and velocity of fluid flows.
·      Development, demonstration and validation of the technique.
·      High-repetition rate imaging using high-speed laser and camera technology for time-resolved investigations of transient, coupled heat and mass transfer phenomena.
·      Luminescence characterisation of a novel semiconductor phosphor for temperature measurements with increased sensitivity.
Research project for Toyota Motor Europe (2010 - 2014)
Detection of hydrogen peroxides in controlled auto-ignition engines.
·      Development of UV LED-based detection of hydrogen peroxides and measurement of the reaction dynamics of dissociation products using spectrally-resolved absorption techniques.
·      Operation and stabilisation of HCCI combustion in a modified 5-cylinder optical diesel engine.
·      Application of developed diagnostics to detect combustion species.

Engineer, Engineering Department, Pendennis Shipyard, Cornwall, UK (2009 - 2010)
Fixing and refurbishing pumps; diesel engines; couplings, shafts and bearings; AC units; and generators (six-month refit of a 37 m yacht)

Masters research project (2008 - 2009)
Experimental investigation of free convection in particle-laden fluids
Batchelor degree research project (2007 - 2008)
Experimental study of fluidised granular flows


Flow temperature measurements using thermographic phosphors

Projekte • Kooperationen


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  • Prof Yiguang Ju, Princeton University
  • Prof. Yiguang Ju, Princeton University